كلمة الوكيل

الحمد لله وكفى والصلاة على المصطفى أما بعد ,, يعد التواصل الإلكتروني أحد أهم سمات العصر الحديث التي لا يمكن بحال من الأحوال الاستغناء عنها في ظل الثورة التقنية ... المزيد >

Vice Rectorate for Graduate studies and Scientific Research

The Government of Saudi Arabia considers scientific research a top priority agenda. The government has provided strong support for academic institutions to conduct ground breaking research in all fields of investigation to help develop the kingdom at all levels. In line with this approach, Jouf University has paid special attention to scientific research making it an integral part of its vision, mission and objectives. Accordingly, the university rector has formed a standing Committee for Scientific Research with the main aim of patronizing research activities in the university. The committee sets strategic plans for research; funds research projects conducted by faculty members; encourages scientific visits; and organizes Academic meetings (conferences, seminars, symposiums and workshops) .